Wednesday 14 June 2017



Peanuts aka the Groundnuts (mungfali) are widely used not only in Indian Kitchen but also in various cuisines around the world. Though it has 'nuts' in its name but it is not actually a nut. It is a pulse and comes from legume family. It is grown in tropical and subtropical regions. Groundnut is the major oil seed crop in India. Next to China India is the second largest producer of Peanuts in Asia. It not only has crunchy, nutty taste but also have a number of health benefits. So lets check out what peanut has-


·         They are rich in energy. 

(because it contains potassium, minerals, vitamins, zinc, magnesium, anti-oxidants etc.)

·          Calorie content-approx.576 calories per 100 grams.

·         It is a good source of monosaturated fats (MUFA).

·         Lowers bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol.

·         Some poly-phenolic anti-oxidants are present in peanuts which fights against diseases like- Heart diseases, nervous diseases, Alzheimer's diseases and Infections.

·         It makes the skin smooth. ( helps to look young!)


·         Can cause allergic reactions.

·         highly susceptible to contamination. ( never leave it open especially in humid areas. Molds can contaminate it.)


·         If buying unshelled then look for off-white color, compact and healthy looking shell.

·         It should be uniform in size and should feel heavy in hand.

·         Always buy unsalted peanuts.


Store it in air-tight container and place it in cool dry place.


·         It can be consumed rather I'd say can be enjoyed boiled, salted, sweetened or even roasted.

·         In India we use it in various dishes. ( In vegetables, dal , for garnishing or also for stuffing).

·         Peanut Butter made from peanuts is widely used as spreads for sandwich or we have it with crepe's.

Lets check out how can we use peanuts to cook vegetables.  Peanuts not only will give a nice crunch but also it will enhance the taste of vegetables. We can use it in many stuff vegetables. Here's a recipe of Stuff Ivy Gourd aka Kundru/Tondli in which we used peanuts for its stuffing. 
For recipe click the link given below and do not forget to try it. 

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